When I first became a SAHM, I made a mental note that I was going to get dressed every morning & maintain some kind of sense of style. I knew when my income took a hit, my wardrobe was going to take a hit as well. I was determined to do it with style, while sporting spit up on my sleeve.
The longer I've been a SAHM, the more I realize that there is an acceptable dress code that one must adhere to; otherwise, you're going to be discussed. It's much like the office is business casual, but if you're the jerk-ball that shows up everyday in a suit, you're going to be discussed. Such is the work place of those of us who do not technically earn income (though we work our tails off 90% of the day).
So, what I'm proposing to you this week is a guideline so that you do not embarrass yourself and so you can assimilate yourself into the culture of the SAHM. You don't want to be that gal. These are women we're talking about, we've all been teenage girls before so I know you're familiar.
What to wear for Preschool Pickup
Preschool drop off & pickup generally occur in the earlier morning & right before lunch. For some reason, our kind believes that morning preschool is better & we will clamor over each other to get our child into the coveted morning class. Personally, I like PM preschool, especially if you no longer have an afternoon napper. The afternoon is painfully looonnngggg & I like to break it up with preschool. BUT if you still have a napper, the morning is where you want to be.
Proper Attire
Attire for preschool drop off & pickup needs to give the illusion that you're clean, without having actually showered; that you're using your time wisely by going to the gym; OR that you've had such a hectic morning that you can't possibly do anything other than get your child to preschool and you're going to sink into a comfy couch at the nearest Starbucks as soon as possible.
If you're not planning to do any of these things, that's okay. Please dress accordingly so as not to offend anyone. You, by all means, do NOT want to let anyone know that you had an easy morning, you're completely showered, appropriately caffeinated and have run 6 miles before 7 AM. Nobody wants to know that or have it thrown in their face at drop off. This will not make friends. Please just complain about your child's behavior accordingly.
Acceptable Items:
Yoga pants
Running Shorts
Race t-shirts
Super tight tank tops (so everyone can see your post-baby body)
Anything from lululemon
Sneakers & flip-flops are appropriate footwear.
Hair must be up: ponytail or messy bun are acceptable. Headband is optional.
Little to no make-up is preferred.
*side note: words across the butt of your shorts/pants are considered taboo for Moms, still acceptable for teenagers
Please adhere to the guidelines for your own safety & self-esteem. We will be watching you.
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